Malabar Whistling Thrush
While strolling through the premises of Blanket hotel, you might be overpowered with sweet whistles
from a little bird, the Malabar whistling thrush. This black beauty’s whistles are similar to that of a lousy
child whistling unbothered about his surrounding which earned the bird a name, ‘the whistling school
These water-loving birds of the Western Ghats perch near cool water bodies, make nests inside dark
under growths and whistle out through dense riverine forests.
Their bodies shimmer with smooth black feathers which covers their entire body on which shiny blue
patches on forehead and shoulders shines out like sapphires with oblique lighting. The bird looks like a
metaphor of the night with their beaks and legs which are also pitch black.
These mischievous birds with their sleek beaks prey on small insects, frogs and small fishes of the stream
pockets. The Thrush attracts mates by flight chasing and calling in their Incubation period which is from
February to September. These birds usually nest in cavities within the streams but may also make use of
nearby buildings. They lay about one to two eggs at a time.
They can be seen on either shore of the Attukal waterfalls both at dawn and dusk. Their schoolboy
whistles will sooth your ears from trees surrounding Blanket Hotel. Imagine waking up at dawn with the
sound of gushing waters and the sweet whistling of these birds!
With their subtle whistle which is indeed a nostalgic musical treat, The Malabar whistling Thrush is well
cherished for its gifted human quality.
written by
Anna Dcouth